Confidence and Empowerment Coaching
Hi, I'm Sarah,
A confidence & empowerment coach
As a confidence and empowerment coach I work with women feeling stuck, to transform their lives. Life may be “fine” but they want more (even if they’re not sure what that is at the moment) but a lack of confidence and self-belief is holding them back. And don't we want more than "fine"?
Life’s happening but it’s lacking something.
As a confidence and empowerment coach, I help you feel excited and wake up to your best life. To gain clarity and feel empowered to go after what you want and create the life you dream of, knowing that you're enough. No longer held back by thoughts and beliefs that keep you stuck.
Through a process of reinvention clarity and action we work together to find the confidence to move from being “fine” to flourishing and fully participating in YOUR life.
I support women to be boldly themselves – to thrive and follow their dreams.
“ I have looked at beliefs, patterns and ideas that I’ve held for years and have let them now go as they aren’t of any use.
The questions asked often opened a winding path that lead to insights and truth.”
“The biggest change I have gained through my coaching with Sarah is the realization that I don’t need to pretend to be anything other than me.
I am enough.”
“My experience of coaching with Sarah has been life-changing. I feel calmer & at peace. Happier & more content.
I am more accepting, grateful & present & my confidence has grown.”

Feel like you’re not living life to the full? Do you feel that you're held back due to a lack of confidence & self-belief?
I get it.
I spent over 30 years hiding, playing small and not living my life to the full, spectating rather than participating.
I literally would make my husband walk into a room in front of me so I wasn’t fully seen.
My default answer to any opportunity was “no” (even if really I wanted to take part).
I’d be the one behind the scenes, holding the bags, taking the photos, definitely not front of stage.
How I feel about and value myself has transformed, I am now thriving rather than hiding.
That confidence and freedom is what I want to help you find too.
Featured In/On….
Live Your Life
Resources for every stage of self-discovery
Transform 1:1 Coaching
A 6-month 1:1 coaching series using my signature method designed around your goals, your dreams and focused solely on how you want to create your life and the transformation you desire. Bespoke coaching for you.
We’ll work together clearing the unconscious programmes and blocks along the way. To no longer be held back by that voice inside or a lack of self-belief. You will gain clarity in your life and grow your confidence to go after what you want and take part fully in YOUR life.
I would love to support you.
Online Course - Coming Soon
Self-study 6 week programme coming soon.
to support you to feel confident in all areas of your life:
Create Your Vision
Body Confidence
Master Your Thoughts
Love and Accept Yourself
Living for You Not the Expectations of Others
Dealing With Change
Who wants to be “fine” when you can be “fabulous?
Breakthrough:21 Days Supported Action
Starting with a deep dive which focuses on one specific area or goal in which you are wanting to gain clarity and direction. With 21 Days of access to support along the way we end with a call to reflect and strategize how to keep the impetus going.
Let’s lose the overwhelm and gain momentum.
We uncover the blocks and resistance and I provide you with tools, resources and support to take action and move through them.
Come and join me on Instagram