Life-coaching draws upon a number of different disciplines, including peresonal development, positive psychology, career development and scoiology. It is focused on assisting people to change their lives and create a life that escites them. It helps you discover what you really want from life and then helps you to get there. It moves you from feeling stuck or confused to feeling clear and ecited about your life. Coaching helps you become aware of what may be holding you back and strategies to alter mindsets to make change.
Life-coaching is a combination of accountability, motivation and support. In a nutshell, a life-coach helps you set inspiring goals and an action plan to achieve them. Celebrating and encouraging you along the way. Meeting with a coach every two weeks and having them in your corner, cheering you on, is extremely supportive and motivating.
Life Coaching is forward focused - it focuses on where you want to be and how to get there - moving from A to B. It empowers you to make change, to transform your mindset, to look at things from a different perspective. To take action baed from where you are now.
As a Confidence Coach I am fully committed to supporting you through the process not only in our sessions but between sessions via Voxer and email.
• An initial discovery call - following the completion of my pre-coaching questionnaire we will have a call to chat through the coaching series and get to know each other. This will last around 45 minutes and give us the opportunity to delve into what you want to gain from coaching and what your focus may be and allowing us to discover if we're a good fit.
• 2 sessions per month
• A coaching series purely focused on you and your goals. Together we will set goals that you connect with, that make you excited. Actions that enable you to look forward & move you to a freer more fulfilling life.
• An action plan - devised together - with activities/tasks for you to complete between sessions to help you reach your bigger goals. Actions that enable you to look forward & move you to a freer more fulfilling life.
• Support via email & Voxer between sessions for feedback & any issues that may arise.
• Resources & recommendations.
Coaching does not focus on the past. It does not delve into the why - is is focused on changing an unhelpful and stuck mindset. It is often focused on helping find clarity, grow in confidence, discover what they truly want from life, find out what brings them joy, find a more creative and playful side - and CELEBRATE the wins.
It is best suited to people who are ready to take action and want to change somethings about their lives.
Counselling often looks back into the past of a person's life experience. This may help clients to understand what happened and why it continues to affect their lives.
f you are a woman (around midlife) and feeling a bit stuck, lacking in confidence, not sure what the next stage of life is all about, I can help. You're fed up of being held back by the negative voice inside, the inner critic that stops you doing what you really dream of doing in life. You lack confidence in being visible - this maybe affected by body image, it may not. You've had enough of life just happening and being "fine". You know there's more to life
As a coach I will hold space for you, actively listen and help set goals and actions to reach those goals. I will help keep you motivated and provide accountability to help you make the change you desire.
I also "get it". I spent years lacking in confidence and not wanting to be visible - holding the bags, taking the photos. This has all changed over the last 5-10 years and I love helping other women find the freedom and life-excitement I have.
The discovery call lasts around 45 minutes via zoom. It gives the opportunity for us to meet and get to know each other. We will discuss your pre-coaching questionnaire and what you want to achieve from the coaching series. It also gives you the chance to ask any questions you may have.
There is no obligation at this point to proceed with coaching.
Voxer is an app you can download to your phone. It is very like What's App. I purely use it for client communication so any messages will not get lost amongst personal messages. It provides a quick and easy way for you to get in touch.