Are You Waiting to Take part Until Your Body is Right

Are there things you’re waiting to do until certain conditions are met? Are you waiting to be happy?

I was reading a Chrissy King article talking about how we often say I’ll be happy when, 

  • when I lose X pounds

  • I can wear a size x

  • I’m smaller etc

What we’re doing here is not giving ourselves permission to be happy as we are, where we are at. We can still want to change things in our lives and still be happy and accepting of where we are.

Get your Mindset Right – not your body

Stevie Wright advocates adopting the attitude “I accept where I’m at and have a goal for where I want to be”. You don’t suddenly achieve something or reach a place and “ta dah” you’re happy.

Whatever you’re doing in life, wherever you are, there will be times when you’re happy and times you’re not. Life will always throw up challenges – some big, some small. There will always be days when you don’t feel 100% – physically, emotionally, mentally. It’s how we learn to react to these times that is important – and also knowing that these feelings will pass.

The size of your body doesn’t cause the happiness or sadness. It’s your mindset. Letting go of the focus being purely on your body can enable you to move past this belief that when you reach a certain size you will be happy. Through a process of learning to love yourself, accept yourself you gain a realisation you are deserving and of value. There are lots of things about you far more interesting than your body.

As Mel Wells says,”to get a body I love, I must start by loving the body I have.”

Enjoy the Experiences – don’t wait to take part!

For me, my weight/size used to stop me taking part. I’d watch, stay on the side-lines – basically I didn’t want to be seen. Since learning to accept myself where I am, I’ve taken part in more of the things I want to. I’ve pushed myself out of my comfort zone and not worried about what others think or what i perceive them to think. To be honest, most people are so concerned with themselves that they’re not worrying about what you’re doing.

An example – since a family holiday to Lake Garda I’ve been saying I wanted to try paddle-boarding. This holiday was the first time I took part in activities rather than being on the side-lines as unofficial photographer. One day we were out on the lake kayaking and the girls were paddle-boarding. Finally, this summer I’ve had a go – not once, but twice. Both times were in the sea and yes, let’s be honest I was pretty useless. The first time, I just knelt – the 2nd I did try standing. Well, lets just say I ended up with 2 bruised knees!

The point is that if my mindset had been where it was, I would have missed this experience. My concern with what I looked alike and what others thought meant I would have stayed on the beach. And yes, whilst I won’t be winning any medals anytime soon, I loved it, had fun & will definitely give it another go. To read more about where my changed mindset has enabled me to “do” more see “Stepping out of Your Comfort Zone” & “Putting Myself Out There Again

Have a go & don’t put it off

So……… don’t wait for conditions to be ideal – have a go at whatever it is you’ve been putting off. Who knows, you could discover an untapped talent – or at least have fun discovering it. The more times you push yourself out of the comfort zone the easier it actually gets. Taking part in the paddle boarding was not even a question. I didn’t mind looking silly. I didn’t mind being seen doing it. 

Paddle-boarding, events, adventures in Bali & Maldives retreat – all because I started taking small steps.

Who knows what you could end up doing – take that first step. Don’t regret what you don’t do in life.

What do you think? What are you waiting to take part in until your body is ‘right?’


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